(SIphotography) A resume is a marketing brochure, and like any brochure it exists to sell a product. Namely, you.While brevity is key to the successful resume (most shouldn't exceed 1 or 2 pages), it's absolutely essential that you also clearly demonstrate your potential value to an employer in a succinct manner. A fuller picture … (SIphotography)
A resume is a marketing brochure, and like any brochure it exists to sell a product. Namely, you.
While brevity is key to the successful resume (most shouldn’t exceed 1 or 2 pages), it’s absolutely essential that you also clearly demonstrate your potential value to an employer in a succinct manner. A fuller picture of who you are can help you snag an interview.
Here are 3 Critical Details You May Be Forgetting To Include In Your Resume!
1. ACCOMPLISHMENTS. You’d be surprised how many people’s resumes are little more than a transcript of their job description, just a detailed description of day-to-day duties with no mention of their wins. Don’t be modest – highlight the initiatives you’ve led, the process improvements you’ve developed, the sales you’ve generated, and the money you’ve saved! Clearly articulated – and preferably, quantifiable – accomplishments demonstrate that you won’t just take up space, you’ll elevate the potential employer’s overall performance.
2. CONTEXT. Responsibilities and accomplishments listed on a resume can carry greater impact if they provide a bit of details into the circumstances. And you’d be surprised how much important detail you can fit on one or two lines if they’re tightly written. Take a look at the following examples and decide for yourself – which ones are just bullets, and which ones provide critical insights that really sell the job seeker?
• Generated $300K in region-wide sales. (OR)
• Generated $300K in region-wide sales as #1 sales representative in company, growing business through aggressive lead generation and new account development.
• Installed Windows 10 onto all of the company’s desktop computers. (OR)
• Installed Windows 10 onto all of the company’s desktop computers, leading project from initial planning through final sign-off.
• Achieved high levels of customer satisfaction on service calls. (OR)
• Achieved high levels of customer satisfaction on service calls, consistently earning 4 and 5 ratings (out of 5) on surveys through focus on culture of customer service and accountability.
•Oversaw 350-person layoff during business downturn. (OR)
•Oversaw 350-person layoff during business downturn. Led executive team in workforce analysis to identify efficiencies, retain key talent, and drive compliance with regulations.
3. PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT. If you’re a manager at any level, an important skill is the ability to develop your staff. Do you have people you’ve promoted to leadership roles? How did you get them there? Did you engage your employees in career planning? An employer is going to want to know how you help your team improve and grow, since organizations need the continuity and competitiveness that a supply of leadership provides. Detail your people-oriented wins.
Scott Singer is the President and Founder of Insider Career Strategies Resume Writing & Career Coaching, a firm dedicated to guiding job seekers and companies through the job search and hiring process. Insider Career Strategies provides resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and career coaching services, including a free resume review. You can email Scott Singer at, or via the website,