| rclassenlayouts There are glimmers of good news in the job market. Many businesses are starting to open up. The unemployment rate in the United States is edging downward. But despite these small steps forward, back on Main Street the outlook is still quite challenging.From The New York Times – “Since March, when the … | rclassenlayouts
There are glimmers of good news in the job market. Many businesses are starting to open up. The unemployment rate in the United States is edging downward. But despite these small steps forward, back on Main Street the outlook is still quite challenging.
From The New York Times – “Since March, when the crisis began to shut businesses en masse, a generation of professionals has seen careers enter a state of suspended animation. Hiring has dried up, advancement has ceased, job searches have been put on hold and new ventures are in jeopardy. As a result, even well-connected high-earners are suddenly in unfamiliar territory.” (David Gelles, 05/27/20)
Many professionals on the higher end of the economic scale suddenly find themselves competing for jobs with salaries that were significantly lower. This so-called “cyclical downgrading” of job seekers into “lower-quality” jobs, is thought to lead to sustained earnings reductions during recessions; unfortunately, this dynamic is once again a feature of our current unemployment crisis.
Here are six strategies you can use to accelerate your career momentum in this brutal economy.
Move with urgency. Whatever it is you need to do to jump into the job hunt with both feet, do it. Make looking for a job your number one priority. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and the earlier you start the more of a lead you can build.
Refocus your goals. Now may not be the best time to climb the corporate ladder and maximize your earning potential. That does not mean you should de-value your experience and accomplishments, but perhaps point them in a different direction. Emphasize your capability to add value to the bottom line on day one, and your desire to find the right cultural fit where you can develop.
Shift your mindset. “We’re all in this together” is something you may have heard in Covid-19 response ads. It applies to the labor market as well. It’s time to be a team player, to be flexible with yourself and others, and go beyond the job title. Leaner, agile organizations need staff who can do more with less, and that means using teamwork to get results. Focus on raising the bar for everyone, not just yourself.
Check your ego at the door. The key to shifting mindset is recognize that everyone currently faces challenges and to recalibrate what you should consider a success right now. Professional glory may have to take a back seat to financial security.
Work your network – and be a part of someone else’s network. Work the hell out of your network, and be open to others working the hell out of you. Be a bridge for someone, and someone will be a bridge for you. You may be surprised to find allies all around you.
Get current. Whether you’re applying for work, going pro with a side gig, or launching a brand new career, now it is more necessary than ever to Always Be Training. Skills matter more now than ever.
Philip Roufail contributed to this article.
Scott Singer is the President and Founder of Insider Career Strategies Resume Writing & Career Coaching, a firm dedicated to guiding job seekers and companies through the job search and hiring process. Insider Career Strategies provides resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, career coaching services, and outplacement services. You can email Scott Singer at, or via the website,