Lemon Squeezy Here are three simple job hunting tips for you to begin your week!Your LinkedIn profile should NOT be your resume. Your profile should have some information from your resume, but it's more of an invitation to ask for the real deal. Put in enough information to round out your profile, but don't make …

Here are three simple job hunting tips for you to begin your week!
- Your LinkedIn profile should NOT be your resume. Your profile should have some information from your resume, but it’s more of an invitation to ask for the real deal. Put in enough information to round out your profile, but don’t make it too dense to read.
- While we’re on the topic of LinkedIn, make sure your profile picture is appropriate. Pix of kittens are probably better for Facebook and Twitter. For my take on this, please see my prior column: https://nochargeforthese.wordpress.com/2015/05/08/what-does-your-linkedin-profile-picture-say-about-you/
- Take a lesson from the Boy Scouts when it comes to your interview – be prepared! Bring whatever you think you may need to survive the interview day. Tissues, water, bandages, a banana – whatever. Have your survival kit ready – a break in the day may not be in the cards.
Scott Singer is the President and Founder of Insider Career Strategies Resume Writing & Career Coaching, a firm dedicated to guiding job seekers and companies through the job search and hiring process. He is a Human Resources professional and staffing expert with almost two decades of in-house corporate HR and staffing firm experience, and is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC).
Insider Career Strategies provides resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and career coaching services, including a free resume review. You can email Scott Singer at scott.singer@insidercs.com, or via the website, www.insidercs.com.
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